William Wallace z Úplňku in Mlada Boleslav


 more on    https://mahdi-sighthounds.blogspot.com/



Happy birtday dear puppies!



Trip to Radotín

On saturday we were on a walk in Radotín. Girls has a great time there and we had a small walk. Last week Nathalie had antibiotics so we had to stay at home. So hurray for this beautiful day

We have super news

Regional exhebition- Hradec Králové- 18th June 2011

 William Wllace z Úplňku was first in show Hradec Králové on 18th June 2011!

Referee: Antonín Mudra  


 more on    https://mahdi-sighthounds.blogspot.com/


Our beloved Tri Studně

 The year passed by and we are finally at Tři Studně. It´s unbeliviable, that our litter grew up here. Tři Studně is beautiful village at Vysočina. I visit Tři Studně from my eager age in addition to my husband cames from here. I hope that my childern likes it here as I do.

more on www.tristudne.cz

,,Pes se vyznačuje krásou bez ješitnosti, silou bez krutosti a lidskými ctnostmi bez lidských vad.‘‘   G .G. Byron

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